Some research the other day led me to a helpful blog post explaining how to stop attachments from showing a preview of a PDF and/or image. If you would like to make this the default behavior you’ll need to use the Terminal to set the preference. Terminal is in Applications>Utilities. Open ...
Vizify – A Cuter, Simpler Facebook
If you use a computer today, you’re probably online or trying to get online. And if you’re online, you probably have at least one social networking profile. Whether you’re still sticking it out with Tom on MySpace or recently discovered the necessity of a LinkedIn profile (recent grads, you know ...
To Instagram or Not to Instagram? That is the Question.
My favorite line when someone tells me my iPhone has taken a sub-par photograph? “Don’t worry, I’ll Instagram it.” Since it’s inception, Instagram’s loyal followers have grown from a whole lot of hipsters to 50 million users. With its recent sale to Facebook, Instagram secured its spot as an ...
Artsy brings the highbrow, high priced art world to an online marketplace equipped with its’ own art consultants and digested emails with curated, online shows. Founded by a scientist with a taste for the fine arts and a former Christie’s Auction House head,’s leaders are taking the art ...
Culture Craver
Since moving to NY from DC I have been inundated with the amount of events going on in every corner of this city. I live in Brooklyn and work in Manhattan and the coordination of finding where the free snacks are happening in just those TWO boroughs has me running around every day. Along with ...
The Curator’s Code
To say the Internet has an infinite amount of resources would be an understatement. The continuously updated feeds of sites like Tumblr, Twitter, and Pinterest provide a constant stream of ideas and creativity. Reblogging, retweeting, and reposting are taking place but where do all of these ...