To say the Internet has an infinite amount of resources would be an understatement. The continuously updated feeds of sites like Tumblr, Twitter, and Pinterest provide a constant stream of ideas and creativity. Reblogging, retweeting, and reposting are taking place but where do all of these images/facts/ideas truly originate? In academia, it is paramount to correctly cite research in papers, presentations, and projects. But what are the rules for citing on the Internet? Shouldn’t there be a universal citing language of the World Wide Web?
The Curator’s Code answers the problem of attributing the millions of ideas that live online by creating two simple codes. The first is ᔥ or “via” which indicates the direct discovery of an idea. The second is ↬ or “hat tip” which indicates a link of inspiration of an idea. Next time you see that great recipe on Pinterest or a Tumblr entry that inspires your next big idea, remember The Curator’s Code and give others the respect their ideas deserve.