Articles we’ve written for publication, stories about us in print or online, and our TV and video appearances.
Press Coverage
TidBITS: Recovering Google Workspace: A Detective Story
Ivan Drucker wrote about how he recovered a Google Workspace account that was suspended, because his client wasn’t notified that payment was due. (October 2022)
Read the article, Recovering Google Workspace: A Detective Story, on the TidBITS website.
TidBITS: Network Time Machine Backups
Ivan Drucker wrote an article on options for backing up the Mac over the network using Time Machine, now that the Time Capsule is no longer sold by Apple. (January 2022)
Read the article, Network Time Machine Backups: Moving On from the Time Capsule, on the TidBITS website.
TidBITS: Protect Yourself from Being Spearfished
Ivan Drucker wrote an article on how to protect yourself from “spearfishing,” which allows thieves to rely on the shocking ease of stealing a cell phone number and then using it to reset your passwords. (January 2020)
Read the article, Alternative Ways to Protect Yourself from Being Spearfished, on the TidBITS website.
i24News: Facetime Bug
Ivan Drucker appeared on i24News about the Facetime bug that allowed strangers to listen in on calls. (January 2019)
New York Magazine: Search for the Best Printer
Caroline Green was interviewed by New York Magazine’s Strategist on the best printer for small spaces. (August 2018)
Read the article, My Search for the Best Printer for Small Spaces, on New York Magazine’s website.
Brick Underground: On-call Computer Help in NYC
IvanExpert is included in this article on in-home IT support for New Yorkers. (October 2017)
Read the article, 5 On-call Tech Support Services That Will Come to Your NYC apartment, on Brick Underground’s website.
CBS 2 New York: iPhone Stolen in NYC Now in China
Ivan Drucker appeared on CBS 2 New York to explain how an iPhone stolen in New York City could end up in China. (February 2015)
View the segment, iPhone Stolen in NYC Now in China, iCloud Photos Reveal, on the CBS website.
CBS 2 New York: iPhone 6 Goes On Sale
Ivan Drucker appeared on CBS 2 New York to discuss why so many waiting on line for the iPhone 6 are planning to resell in China. (September 2014)
View the segment, Thousands Line Up Outside Apple Stores as iPhone 6 Goes On Sale, on the CBS website.
CBS 2 New York: Thieves Hack iPhones
Ivan Drucker appeared on CBS 2 New York to discuss the latest iPhone scam, in which hackers lock the phone and demand a ransom to unlock it. (May 2014)
View the Thieves Hack iPhones segment on CBS 2’s website.
NY Report: 7 Timesaving Technologies for Every Business
This article on using technology to save time in your business includes suggestions and quotes by IvanExpert. (February 2013)
Spark: Interview on Productivity Apps
Ivan Drucker was interviewed by Spark at a design event about productivity software for graphic design businesses. (January 2013)
View the Productivity Apps to Streamline Your Business interview on Vimeo.
NY Report: 6 Ways to Be the Boss of Your Computer
6 Ways to Be the Boss of Your Computer: How to manage your computer, instead of letting it boss you around, including backups, security, and cleanups. (August 2012)
NY Report: The State of the Tablet for Business
An overview of the pros and cons of the iPad, the Nexus 7, and Microsoft’s Windows 8 tablets. (August 2012)
Fast Company: 3 Tips for Managing a Virtual Work Force
We provided tips on how to get the right digital tools in place to manage a virtual team effectively. (May 2012)
Read the rest of 3 Tips for Managing a Virtual Work Force at Fast Company.
Time: Fourteen Ways to Celebrate the Apple II’s 35th Birthday
Check out the photo of Ivan in Time’s online article about celebrating the anniversary of the Apple II. He’s at KansasFest, the annual Apple II conference in Kansas City, MO. (April 2012)
Read the rest of Fourteen Ways to Celebrate the Apple II’s 35th Birthday at Time.
USA Today: Got clutter? There are experts to help dig your way out
We were quoted on organizing digital information, saying “We want people’s lives to flow smoothly.” (April 2012)
NY Report: 3 Ways to Prevent a Computer Time Suck
We write about how to be more productive at work by using tools to reduce computer distractions. (April 2012)
PureWow: Cloud and Clear: Tech Services at Your Doorstep
IvanExpert was featured in PureWow’s article and email newsletter on in-home tech service companies. (March 2012)
Crain’s New York: Social Climbing with Google
Crain’s New York interviewed Caroline on using Google+ for business. (March 2012)
Read the rest of Social Climbing with Google at Crain’s New York Business.
NY Report: 3 Reasons to Use a Tablet for Business
We’re interviewed on why the iPad is useful for travel and for presentations. (March 2012)