This list of various websites that are boring but useful was culled from the comments of a recent post on Go Fug Yourself. To read all the comments and suggestions, here’s the link: Your Most Boringly Useful Websites If you don’t know Go Fug Yourself and you like smart writing about dumb fashion, I ...
My First Shapeways 3D Design
My first 3D printed item that I designed myself arrived late last week. It's called the Scribble Necklace, and it's made with polished brass. How I made it: I creeated a free account at Tinkercad, which lets you do online 3D design. Then I made my scribble on a piece of paper, photographed it ...
Top 5 Tech Podcasts for Apple Lovers
Podcasts are a great way to learn about what's new in technology while you're doing something else (like exercising, commuting, washing the dishes, or picking up around the house). Here are my 5 favorite tech audio podcasts that are useful for Mac, iPhone, and iPad users. They're all available for ...
Feedly for RSS Feeds: An Easier Way to Read Blogs
If you were a Google Reader user, then you know the pain of trying to find a new RSS feed reader since Google discontinued their Reader earlier this summer. For those of you unfamiliar with RSS -- it is a way of being able to easily read all your favorite blogs in one place, instead of having to go ...
Streaming movies: Where do you find them?
On-demand streaming video is where everything's headed, but what's available where? Not all services have the same titles, and there are services out there you probably haven't even heard of. Many of these offer a la carte digital rentals and/or purchases, or all you can eat for a monthly fee, and ...
Frustrations with Yelp Advertising
We did a 2-month trial of Yelp advertising. That experiment is now concluded, and we've decided not to continue because we weren't satisfied with the experience. Here are a few things you should know about Yelp if you are considering advertising, you have a Yelp page for your business, or you write ...