While we do work in person, depending on your location, most of our Apple support is remote and by phone. We arrange an appointment with you at a specific day and time—no waiting on hold or on line.
For access to your Mac, we use Zoom, TeamViewer, or macOS screen sharing, and we give you clear and simple instructions on how to allow us to connect. During the entire appointment, we’re on the phone or the Zoom meeting with you, so you know what we are working on, every step of the way. TeamViewer and Zoom are both highly secure, as all data is fully encrypted. Once the appointment is done, you simply quit Zoom or TeamViewer and we no longer have access.
Certain types of issues cannot be solved by remote access to your Mac; in those cases we can talk you through what to do on your iPhone, iPad, Wi-Fi router, or other devices.
When we provide you with support, whether remote or in person, we have the utmost respect for your privacy and security. Read about our philosophy of Apple support.