A client located in Greenwich Village had a Mac Time Machine problem. She had a MacBook Pro and the hard drive simply stopped working. Luckily she was fully backed up thanks to Time Machine and Time Capsule. As the computer was still under AppleCare warranty, she took it to the Apple Store Soho, ...
What’s the difference between Time Machine and Time Capsule?
A client wrote yesterday and asked, what's the difference between Time Machine and Time Capsule? Time Machine is a piece of software that comes free with every Mac. When you set up and run it, the software makes a backup of your computer every hour, to any external hard drive. The first time it ...
Is your Time Machine really backing up your Mac?
We've seen more than a few horror stories of people whose computer drives failed, and then they found out their Time Machine backups hadn't been backing up in months! Time Machine is not infallible, it doesn't work correctly 100% of the time. To prevent this from happening to you, check your ...
How to Back Up your Entourage Email on your Mac
Are you using Entourage for email, and Time Machine for backup? Entourage stores all email in one giant database, which gets bigger every time you get or send an email. And having a big database means frequent database corruption. Time Machine backs up everything new once an hour, which means ...
Backup of your Backup?
Rebecca Kraemer wrote a really great post at Small Dog's Apple blog called Backup of your Backup, on why it's important to back up your backup. (This was part 1 of a 3-part backup article.) It's not a situation that occurs too often, but it can happen: Your computer hard drive and your backup drive ...
5 tips on backing up your Mac
I read a post on the Small Dog blog today called "Protecting Your Photographs." Essentially the post says that if you have a digital camera that you use with any frequency, then you probably have years and years of important photos on your computer. Now imagine your photos disappearing tomorrow. How ...