Ivan still loves his Apple II, which he started using in the late 1980s. He attends an Apple II conference every year. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6GC2tnuLt4&feature=channel_video_title[/youtube] Transcript of the video: Believe it or not, my history with Apple products goes back ...
Hear me opine: Is Apple’s iOS a cool platform to develop for?
Watch me participate in a panel discussion at KansasFest 2010, with Martin Haye and Mike Maginnis, moderated by Ken Gagne. The topic is "Apple's Growing Divide Between Users and Programmers," and we discuss whether Apple has strayed from its roots of making computers that encourage and empower users ...
App Development for Everybody
In the June 2010 issue of Juiced.GS, I argue that Apple's mobile products could not be any more different in spirit than their original consumer computer, the Apple II, with regard to application development. The manual of every Apple II product, including the last Apple IIe sold in 1993, encouraged ...
urgent: Apple II floppy update
How to get a 5.25" floppy onto a modern Mac Warning: this post contains some serious Apple retro geekery. I've actually had to exercise serious restraint with the details. You may want to skip this one unless Apple II's, Color Classics, SCSI ethernet interfaces, PowerBook 2400's, and other Apple ...
Apple II Update
A while back I planned to pull my beloved Apple //e (circa 1993) out of storage with the intent of a) having fun, and b) archiving anything noteworthy I found on my many 5.25" floppy disks. I did, and the experience was both better and worse than I imagined. The experience was wonderfully tactile: ...
Disks as Dolls
Well, for the time being this is going to me my retro computing blog, because that's been what I've been putting a chunk of my spare time into lately. This all started with my desire to preserve my Apple II 5.25" floppy disks. The short answer there: to my surprise and delight, they're fine. Most ...