Apple Newsletters
Hey, Mac user! Still using MobileMe for your mail, calendar, contacts, Find My iDevice, or anything else? The good news is that you don’t have to pay for it any more. The bad news is that it’s time for you to start making plans to move out, because Apple will be relocating you to iCloud… Read more
Use your iPhone this season to stay organized when shopping for gifts, do some holiday cooking, play with the kids, and generally have fun celebrating. These 10 holiday apps for iPhone will add a note of cheer at this time of year. 5 iPhone apps for Hanukkah: 1) Mobile Menorah, $0.99 If you don’t have… Read more
This is our third annual newsletter on great places to buy techie gifts in New York City. A few have been on previous lists already–not enough new tech joints open up each year, unfortunately! AC Gears This one is a perennial favorite, especially for great-quality headphones and weird watches. 69 East 8th Street. Adorama Our… Read more
We are now writing a monthly column on tech and small business at NY Enterprise Report. The first column, published this week, is 5 Ways the iPhone 4S Can Help Your Business. News for MobileMe Users On June 30, 2012, Apple will be shutting down MobileMe, meaning you need to migrate to iCloud. Many already… Read more
Last week, Apple released the iPhone 4S, and it already looks to be a hit, as Apple claims they pre-sold more than a million in the first 24 hours of availability. Should you get one? That depends. If you’ve already got an iPhone 4, and you’re happy with it, then you might not need to rush… Read more
Our July newsletter was all about backup. We’re repeating the message this month because we have seen yet more hard drives failing. If you couldn’t start your Mac tomorrow, how much would you be willing to lose? We recommend each Mac have 2 backups: One backup should be onsite (located next to your Mac), for quick… Read more
The Lower East Side Ecology Center is holding more e-waste recycling events in September and October. Here they are, by borough. Remember, they only accept items from homes and small businesses (less than 50 people). And they only accept computers and peripherals, no household appliances. See the list of what they accept. Go to the… Read more
Mac OS X 10.7 Lion was released today. We advise that you hold off on upgrading your Mac, because some of your software may not work on Lion, plus there are often bugs in the early release that get fixed within a few weeks. If you must upgrade to Lion, please make sure your most recent… Read more
Back Up Your Mac Today! We are not trying to make your summer a bummer, but: Your hard drive, which is the part of your computer that stores all of your music, photos, writings, and every other kind of document, is going to die. Maybe not today, and maybe not tomorrow. But it will, someday…. Read more
This is the third of 3 newsletters on Apple’s announcements at their Worldwide Developer Conference. Read #1 on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, and #2 on iOS 5. Apple has announced iCloud, and we’re here to tell you what it does and what it means for you. Let’s get a few things out of the… Read more
Usually we send only one newsletter a month, but there were so many exciting Apple announcements this week at the Worldwide Developer Conference that this is our second of 3 emails that we’ll be sending in a week. Read the first one, all about Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. Mac OS X 10.7 “Lion” was… Read more
We know many of you have received notices about MobileMe being replaced by iCloud. Don’t worry! Nothing is changing yet. We’ll explain more about future changes and iCloud in an upcoming newsletter. Steve Jobs and the executive team at Apple held forth with a mighty slew of announcements yesterday at Apple’s annual Worldwide Developer’s Conference…. Read more
Malware: Recently malware struck Mac users on a wider scale than ever before. Malware, defined as malicious code and encompassing viruses, trojan horses, and spyware, is something Windows users have been vigilant about for a long time, but has been mostly nonexistent on the Mac. The malware, called MACDefender, tells you that your computer has been… Read more
Did you know you can be much more productive by using keyboard commands instead of moving the mouse? Each time you take your hands off the keyboard, even if it’s just to move to the mouse, it slows you down. Our top keyboard shortcuts are: Command N: Open new document or window Command P: Print… Read more
The Lower East Side Ecology Center is holding more e-waste recycling events in April and May. In all 5 boroughs, this time! Remember, they only accept items from homes and small businesses (less than 50 people). And they only accept computers and peripherals, no household appliances. See the list of what they accept. Go to… Read more
While our usual advice is to install Apple updates when they are offered, it appears that Mac OS X 10.6.7 update has caused problems for a few users, particularly users of the newer MacBook Air computers. If you’ve already installed the 10.6.7 update and things are working, then great. If you haven’t installed the 10.6.7… Read more
The New iPad: We just got our new iPad 2, along with the magical magnetized cover. Our first impressions: While it’s definitely thinner and lighter than the original iPad (plus it has the 2 cameras), this model isn’t revolutionary. If you’ve got the original iPad there’s no burning reason to sell it and get the newer… Read more
So you want to watch movies from the internet on your Mac, iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch? Or on your TV? We’re at the beginning of the future. Within a few years, DVD’s will go the way of the CD — they’ll be around, but much of our entertainment will be on demand over the… Read more
Start the new year off right by making sure your Mac is healthy! Here is our list of some things to check for: Backup What is the date and time of my Mac’s last Time Machine backup (or other backup, if you’re not using Time Machine)? To check, under the Apple menu at the top… Read more
The Lower East Side Ecology Center has scheduled numerous e-waste recycling events for January. Here they are, broken down by borough (sorry, Staten Island): Manhattan January 2, 2011, 10:00am – 4:00pm, Union Square Park north plaza, Broadway at East 17th Street January 8, 2011, 10:00am – 4:00pm, Bowling Green Park east side, Broadway at Beaver Street January 15, 2011, 10:00am… Read more
Last month, we gave you some tips on where to get some cool tech gifts. And our blog is showcasing one gadget gift every day from December 1st through 24th. (Go to the blog to see the posts you missed; sign up on the blog homepage to get every new blog post in your email… Read more
Last year’s holiday newsletter had a list of 5 places to get great tech gifts, both in NYC and online. The stores on last year’s list: AC Gears J&R Spy Shops ThinkGeek Gizmine Here is this year’s list of 5 different stores, some in New York and some online only. 1. Flight001 Flight001 is the… Read more
Guess what? Apple announced some new stuff again, just in time for the holidays. Here’s the roundup. First off, Apple is selling approximately 30 billion Macs every thirty seconds. Ok, we’re exaggerating, but they’re doing really well, opening new stores all over the world, and the sun shines brightly in Cupertino and in the hearts of… Read more
Everyone’s talking about computers and “the cloud.” So what’s this cloud stuff, you ask? It’s not so complicated. “The cloud” is simply a computer offsite (not in your home or office) that’s specifically set up to store your data. Usually you pay a company a monthly fee to store your data on their computers at their… Read more
Apple hasn’t been resting, and shortly after our last newsletter in which we recapped some of their recent product updates, Steve Jobs held a press conference to introduce another slate of new products and updates. Here they are! AppleTV To us, this is Apple’s most interesting announcement. Since the AppleTV was introduced, it has always… Read more
A couple of months ago, Apple made a big news splash with the release of iPhone 4. But they haven’t stood still. What have they been up to since then? We’re here to tell you. New Mac mini: Apple’s cheapest Mac received its first makeover since its introduction in 2005. It’s shorter, squatter, faster,… Read more
The Lower East Side Ecology Center has scheduled more electronics recycling events around the city throughout July. Here’s the current list. Manhattan July 10, 2010 in Chelsea 10:00am – 4:00pm Tekserve, 119 West 23rd St New York, NY 10011 July 17, 2010 in Inwood 10:00am – 4:00pm RING Garden at Riverside Dr btw Seaman Ave & Broadway, New York, NY… Read more
Well, it’s here. Apple has a new baby: iPhone 4 goes on sale today. (iPad must be jealous.) Well, pre-sale. You’ll still have to wait until the 24th to actually get one in your hands. Keep in mind that no one has actually reviewed it yet, so what we’re explaining here is what Apple has… Read more
Lots of our clients have been asking us: So what is social media? Here’s a primer. The basic concept of social media is connecting with and discussing stuff with people on the web. That’s it. Wikipedia has a slightly more complex definition: “Social media…support the democratization of knowledge and information and transform people from content consumers… Read more
We got our iPad on Saturday. There was a line around the block at the SoHo store, which the Business Group was good enough to let us bypass, and we walked to the glass staircase through a phalanx of lively, blue-shirted Apple employees who cheered us exuberantly. Apple, they’ve got style. Within a few minutes,… Read more