Mac users have a long and sordid history with Intuit, the original developers of Quicken. The product has always been second class compared to its Windows version. Recently I had a client who had been using the ill-fated Quicken Essentials for Mac, and I was surprised to discover that modern Quicken ...
You can increase the SSD storage in an older MacBook Air or MacBook Pro
Most new Macs do not have expandable storage—it's part of the computer, so it's important to buy more than you think you might need when you purchase it. However, many recent Macs have removable storage modules that can be exchanged for higher-capacity ones. You can see what model of Mac you have ...
So what is the “Archive” or “All Mail” folder in Apple Mail or Outlook or Gmail, anyway?
Questions I hear asked often are "What is the Archive folder (or All Mail) folder and what am I supposed to do with it? And why does an Archive button appear on my iPhone instead of Trash?" The answer, well, depends, on whether you're using Google Mail/Gmail, or every other mail system. Non-Google ...
Google Drive software for Mac will merge Google Workspace and consumer versions, and lose selective sync ability
There are a ton of cloud storage providers at this point: Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Apple iCloud Drive, Google Drive, and more. Google Drive has been gradually displacing Dropbox over many years as the cloud drive of choice for those who need to share documents, and who are not embedded in ...
Making Mac Mail in Big Sur behave more like previous versions
Apple made some changes to Mac Mail in Big Sur (and, presumably, forthcoming versions) that some are finding disorienting. The old behavior, as it has stood approximately forever, is that the "special folders" of accounts--Inbox, Sent, Drafts, Junk, Trash, and Archive--were collected together and ...
What will Apple give you for your old Mac, iPhone, or iPad?
Apple, for the last few years, will let you "trade in" an older model of one of their products. This can be done at any time, not only when you're purchasing something new; they'll give you a gift card with the value of the trade-in. To see what they'll give you for your old stuff, go to this page: ...