In the chill of winter, it's annoying to have to take off your mittens to make a call on your iPhone or adjust your music or surf the web--since the iPhone touch screen only works when your actual finger touches it. To solve the problem of cold hands, I've invented Slittens, a pair of mittens with ...
Handmade Wooden iPod/iPhone Dock
I'm always interested in the intersection between electronics and craft. I think it's the mix of low-tech--the traditions that have been followed for centuries--and high-tech--the newest computer technologies. I do a lot of looking at the high-tech/low-tech mix on Etsy, the website for buying and ...
IMAP, Gmail, and Apple Mail–the combo
In this week's issue of TidBITS (an incredible Mac resource, by the way--and they just had their 19th anniversary!), Joe Kissell has an article about IMAP, Gmail, and Apple Mail, and how he mixed and matched features and functions to get his email system working perfectly for his needs. The article ...
my BlackBerry, she is broken
One thing I like about my job is that I get to see weird problems that never even entered my imagination. Sometimes it takes a while to diagnose some issues just because the cause is so unlikely that I unconsciously dismiss it, and it's only after circling back that I identify it. Well, now it's ...