If you are a Mac user, have you ever received an email attachment called "winmail.dat"? I'm not talking about spam; I mean an attachment you were expecting, from someone you know. If you receive a winmail.dat file, which you can't open on the Mac, here's what to do: Download the free ...
Is Intermedia hosted Exchange really cheaper than Microsoft Office 365 hosted Exchange? No.
Intermedia has long been our Exchange host of choice -- while there are many other places to get Exchange hosting from, it's really what they specialize in, and they seem to know what they're doing more than others. It's for the most part very solid, with decent and accssible support, and useful ...
Set Up Your Email to Send an SMS Text Message to Your Mobile Phone
Did you know you can set up your email to trigger a text message to your mobile phone? For example, let's say you want to get an SMS text every time your mom sends you an email. Here's what you need to do: STEP 1: Figure out what your SMS email address is. Here they are for the top US carriers: ...
Office 365 can give you a headache
Office 365 is confusing. It's a a single name for disparate plans and services, and might refer to hosted Exchange email, or a version of the desktop Office suite that you subscribe to rather than purchase, or both. UPDATE August 2013: Since I originally posted this, Microsoft has updated their ...
Gmail: Don’t Save OS X Mail Drafts to Server
Apple Mail on OS X has a peculiar way of working with the drafts folder, and so does Gmail, and the two don't mix well. Apple Mail automatically saves a copy of a message that you're working on every 30 seconds in the Drafts folder, and then tells the server to remove the previous version from the ...
Embed a link in Apple Mail
If you want to include a URL link in Apple Mail, it's easy to do, but only if you know how. Here are instructions, in 3 easy steps. 1. While you are in the message compose window of Apple Mail, choose "Customize Toolbar", from the View menu. 2. In there, you'll find a "Link" button. Drag this into ...