Apple made some changes to Mac Mail in Big Sur (and, presumably, forthcoming versions) that some are finding disorienting. The old behavior, as it has stood approximately forever, is that the "special folders" of accounts--Inbox, Sent, Drafts, Junk, Trash, and Archive--were collected together and ...
The strange version numbers of Microsoft Office for Mac
Microsoft Office for Mac has been around forever. In recent history, since 2015 or so, rather than waiting for a single great big new version every few years, Office now receives an update every month, and these updates bring both new features and bug fixes. The one-time purchase also gets monthly ...
Microsoft Office (Word/Excel/PowerPoint/Outlook): subscribe to 365, or buy outright?
Microsoft Office for Mac -- that is, the suite of applications that includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook (Home & Business edition and 365 subscription edition only), OneNote, Teams, and OneDrive -- receives a new update monthly. The current version in July 2021 is version 16.50, next month ...
Microsoft Office [Word/Excel/PowerPoint/Outlook]: macOS version compatibility
Microsoft Office only supports the last three versions of macOS. So if you want to install it onto an older version of macOS, you need to know what the last supported version number is. You can download that from Update History for Office for Mac, or use the direct links provided here. Big Sur ...
stupid APFS tricks
APFS does a few things differently than HFS does. Some of it is under-the-hood stuff that has to do with encryption and security. But in terms of your day-to-day use, there are a couple of odd tricks it can perform. Multiple volumes per disk partition Most file systems create one volume per disk ...
I only just discovered you can now remove a single item from Mac Trash
For most of its history, Trash in macOS was an all or nothing affair. If you wanted something removed from your Mac permanently, everything else had to go with it. But what if you wanted to permanently delete a very large file, so you could recover the disk space, without including the smaller ...