Here at IvanExpert, we know that computers cause stress. I think this is because:
- They’re an inextricable part of our lives
- We’re completely dependent on them
- Apple, in particular, makes it seem as though everything they make is going to be wildly simple to use and work perfectly
But we know it isn’t true. Any computer a massively complicated device, more similar in its complexity to a living thing. I only half-joke when I say they have moods. There’s no way to design software or hardware and be able to fully anticipate what it’s going to do out there in the real world once released and interacting with other hardware or software, or millions of people using it. One sobering moment I had when I first started working at Apple was seeing the hundreds of known bugs a software product is released with.
So, it’s not your fault. Your computer is going to make you crazy sometimes. When it happens, take a deep breath, and give yourself a little breathing room for your stress. It’ll pass, and you still have your loved ones in your life, and it’s just a computer or phone.
It’s like if you have a car that doesn’t work, and you need to get across town, it’s a problem. But a computer that’s not doing what you expect isn’t the biggest problem you’ll ever have. It’s just a pain. You’ll get through it.
But the key to having this peace of mind is backing up. You should have both a Time Machine backup, and a cloud backup. For an iPhone or iPad, you should have iCloud backups enabled. If you’re not sure, ask us. We want you to relax.