If you use a Mac, iPhone, or iPad, do you need to do anything special to protect yourself from the Heartbleed security flaw?
Good news: The OSX operating system on the Mac, and the iOS operating system on the iPad and iPhone, are not specifically vulnerable to Heartbleed. If you’re running a Mac server, that server is not specifically vulnerable either. So your Mac and iPhone and iPad cannot be infected.
Apple’s online services, including the Apple Store, iTunes, and iCloud, are not affected.
However, if you use the web, your web accounts are vulnerable, and any data you transmitted over the web (including passwords) may be compromised. Which is why it’s so important that you change your passwords for the most important sites you visit.
Articles on Heartbleed and Mac:
Apple Says iOS, OSX, and “Key Web Services” Not Affected By Heartbleed Security Flaw