There are so many apps for the iPhone and iPad — more than 900,000, by last count. So how do I keep up with what’s new in the app world?
Here are my top 5 tips for keeping up with the newest and coolest and most useful apps.
1. Regular check-in on the App Store
Every week or two, I go onto the App Store (from my iPhone, my iPad, or iTunes on my computer) and look at Apple’s featured list.
2. App Advice
There’s a great website, App Advice, that also has an iOS app, also called App Advice. They have a running feed of new apps and news stories. In addition they have great guides to the best apps in certain categories (Back to School, or Writers, or Business Card Scanners, plus tons more).
3. Today in iOS podcast
There’s a great weekly podcast, called Today in iOS, that talks about new apps and also gives away a few apps each week. Available through iTunes for free. Also check out the Today in iOS website.
4. This Week in Tech’s podcasts
This Week in Tech has a whole series of podcasts on different topics. The two tops for iPhone and iPod are iFive for the iPhone (five new tips or apps each week) and iOS Today (general news, tips, and apps on iOS). Available through iTunes for free. Check out the This Week in Tech website.
5. Macworld
The Macworld website has a whole area dedicated to iOS apps, including news, reviews, and how-tos.