This week (I think) Google started allowing businesses to create pages on Google+. Previously you could only have a Google+ account for a person.
Here is Google’s website on Google+ for business: http://www.google.com/+/business/
Obviously Google is trying to get a piece of the Facebook action, to improve its search results and to be able to sell targeted ads. So far Google+ isn’t rocking the world with the number of signups, while Facebook rolls along at over 800 million users.
I’ve got a Google+ personal page and we also have an IvanExpert Google+ business page.
You’ll notice that the URL for our Google+ page is a little unwieldy; at some point they’ll need to do like Facebook and allow you to create a better one.
And once you have an account, if you want to be connected to “Google+ Your Business” so that you get the news about Google+ for biz, do that here.