Apple recently announced Thunderbolt, a new way of connecting devices and transferring data. New Macs now have a Thunderbolt port as well as USB ports. How is Thunderbolt different from USB 2.0 (which is what most computers have these days)?
- can transfer data at speeds of up to 10 GB per second
- can transfer 10 GB out of the Mac and 8 GB into the Mac at the same time
- can deliver high-definition video (1080p) to a monitor or display
- can deliver up to 8 audio channels simultaneously with video

USB 2.0
- can transfer data at speeds of up to 480 MB per second
- cannot deliver audio or video
So Thunderbolt is up to 20 times faster for transferring data than USB 2.0.
Read more about Thunderbolt on Apple’s Thunderbolt page.