Is Apple opening a store at Grand Central? And if so, where will it be? Rumor has it that the store will not be located down where the other shops are–it will be replacing one of the terrace-level restaurants.
When Apple already has 4 stores in Manhattan, does it need another? Well if you’ve ever been to the 59th Street store on any afternoon, the answer should be obvious: There is ample consumer demand for another place to surf the web, play with iPads, go to the Genius Bar, and oh yes, buy an Apple product. And as Grand Central gets 700,000 people passing through there every day (as per one article) it’s likely to be an easy stop on the way to or from work to pick up an accessory or two. Not to mention all the businesses that are nearby, great for employees to do a quick dash to the new store during lunch break.
Will it be open 24 hours, as the 59th Street store is? It could result in lots of extra business, from people waiting for late-night trains.
Here is a selection of articles from around the web on Apple at Grand Central. Most of the articles have very similar information. Cult of Mac claimed an “exclusive.”