Some applications can be uninstalled by simply deleting the app file from your Applications folder. But many apps leave lots of associated files in other places on your Mac (in the Library and Preferences, mainly). So how do you make sure you remove all related files and folders from your machine, when you uninstall an application?
Well there’s an easy solution: AppTrap, which calls itself “the uninstaller Apple forgot.” It serves only one function: When you drag any application to the trash, a dialog box pops up, asking you if you want to delete the associated system files too.
You can download AppTrap here:
And then just follow the instructions. It installs a System Preference panel that allows you to start and stop AppTrap from running, and also allows you to have it start automatically on login.
The funny part is that uninstalling AppTrap isn’t so easy. Here, in the developer’s words, is how to uninstall AppTrap:
Uninstalling is not done automatically; ah the irony! To uninstall AppTrap, launch System Preferences, control-click the AppTrap item and choose “Remove “AppTrap” Preference Pane”. Then you’ll have to remove the preference file manually, it is located at/Library/Preferences/se.konstochvanligasaker.AppTrap.plist.
One fine day, AppTrap will uninstall automatically.